Native Access might need a msvcp140.dll override. To override a Wine dll, copy the windows dll (64 bit) to ~/.wine/drive_c/windows/system32 and then override the dll to be native by entering the dll name in the winecfg Libraries option tab. Kontakt when used with Wine (Stable) 4.x needs a msvcp140.dll override whereas Kontakt used with Wine Staging 4.x doesn't. Some additional dll overrides (below) might be needed for Kontakt. I am on Windows 10 by the way Any help would be very much appreciated.Kontakt Player 5.x and 6.x (can try turning multiprocessing off for some setups). But surely everything is just done in the Native access app? Can I not just redownload it? Sorry for the giant message.

That might have been my fault that last part as I think I may have accidently deleted it somehow. This morning when I tried again I got the error "Native Access error message: Could not find downloader". Also upon logging out of Native Access and logging back in the Kontakt player showed back up in the uninstalled tab. Eventually I managed to get it to install but then it didn't show up in the installed tab. I clicked the install button and got the error 'installing kontakt failed an unknown error occurred'. I tried reinstalling the Native access app and saw that the Kontakt player was showing up in the non-installed tab. This still wasn't working so I just decided to put the folder back to where it orginally was but even that wouldn't work anymore. I tried making sure the VST manager in cubase was searching for the folder and that the file path in the Native Access app was changed. Then I loaded cubase and Kontakt wasn't showing up. I saw that the default path for the 'Native instruments folder' was on my old hardive so I copied it over to my new drive and then deleted the old folder. So I am getting a new computer soon and so I wanted to make sure that all of my plugins are not on my old hardrive for when I make the transition. I am having a nightmare with Kontakt currently.